Have a card you can call your own with apply Amazon Prime credit card. With your card, you can earn and make payments anywhere you shop. To get in on these goodies, you have to apply for this card using just a few simple steps that won’t take your time.
Amazon is the no 1 retail destination in the world. It plays host to millions of merchandise of diverse categories. From this giant retail hub, comes the Amazon Prime credit card that helps you shop with ease at Amazon.com and some other places.
As you shop with your card, you stand a chance of earning premium benefits that give you, your money’s worth. As you shop with your card, you get a 5X bonus credited to your digital wallet. You also earn rewards which you can redeem for more purchases.
Now, to apply for the Amazon Prime credit card, you must be an Amazon Prime member. This means you must have an account at amazon.com to stand eligible to apply for the card.
To this end, if you want to apply for an Amazon Prime credit card, you have to start by applying first for an Amazon shopping account if you have not before now.
The Amazon Prime credit card has some unique features that make it stand out from the rest. Starting with no annual fee, to no foreign transaction fee, you also get credited with your card as you make purchases. These are just some of the benefits that come with using this card. Let’s show you more.
Important Benefits of Amazon Prime Credit Card
- You can earn points and easily redeem them when you want to with your card.
- Save up for your next travel as you use your card.
- Get rewarded with 100% of exclusive offers given to card members.
- Earn a 5% bonus on your purchases, as you pay with your Amazon Prime credit card at amazon.com or any Amazon outlet.
- 2% of your purchase worth at pharmacies, gas stations or restaurants gets returned as a bonus point if you pay for the purchase with your Amazon Prime card.
- Get 1% cashback on your purchase amount.
- No foreign transaction fees
Apply for Amazon Prime Credit Card
Assuming you’ve already signed up at amazon.com for your shopping. I will now be taking you through the steps to apply for the Amazon Prime credit card.
- Your first step starts with opening a functional web browser.
- Sign into https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Prime-Rewards-Visa-Signature
- On the left-wing of your screen click on the “Sign In to Apply” button
- Type in the email address linked to your account.
- Visit the “Continue” link and click on it
- Enter your password
- Sign in to your account and start the application process
- Provide all the required details accurately.
How to Apply for Amazon Credit Card without Login
- Engage your web browser
- Sign into https://www.amazon.com
- Scroll to down to “Create Amazon Account”
- Create an account and scroll back to the login section.
- Sign in with your registered email address and linked password. On the registration page, apply for an Amazon credit card.
- Wait for notification of approval.
Login to Amazon Credit Card Account
With your Amazon shopping account, you easily manage your account. This means that you can log in and manage your credit card account from the same page without stressing yourself to create a separate account. So you can log in using the same steps outlined above.
Amazon still remains the no 1 retail spot. Join the millions who are shopping at Amazon using their card today and shop online or in-store. It’s that simple!!