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Google Ads Management Tip: How To Run Google Ads For Clients

Running a Google Ads agency is profitable and tasking. Are you an agency that works hard to make your clients happy? This tip will help you with the basics of how to run Google Ads for clients with ease.

This article will provide you with the steps and realities you need to come up with before becoming an ad pro. Running

Google Ads is an online advertising platform that lets businesses place ads on Google’s search results pages (SERPs) and its vast network of partner websites.How To Run Google Ads For Clients

How it works: You choose keywords relevant to your business. When someone searches for those terms, your ad can appear alongside the search results. You only pay when someone actually clicks your ad (known as pay-per-click, or PPC).

They’re not just clicking buttons; they’re leveraging deep knowledge of the platform, your industry, and consumer behavior to drive profitable results.

This frees up your time, reduces wasted spending, and often provides a better ROI than doing it yourself.

“Listen, we all know Google Ads isn’t magic.” Throw money at a campaign without a plan, and you might as well toss it out the window. But get this, right? It’s a whole different ballgame.”

“Think of it this way: Google’s that prime real estate everyone wants.” Your ads are the billboards. The basic stuff is just buying space. The trick is making sure the right people see your billboard at the right time.”How To Run Google Ads For Clients

Google Ads (PPC)

“PPC—that’s pay-per-Click. It sounds simple, but there’s an art to it. You only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad.” “It’s not just about showing up; it’s about showing up when someone is ready to buy.”

“Google Ads puts you front and center in those search results.” An individual enters the phrase ‘best running shoes,’ and your advertisement appears. “This is targeted marketing with a laser-like focus, not mass advertising like that of television commercials.”

Google Ads is a powerful tool, but it takes finesse. It’s about being strategic, getting those ideal customers to click, and turning those clicks into cash.

Effective keyword research techniques are essential for successful SEO strategies.

“Okay, keywords. This is where campaigns either soar or nosedive. Keyword Research is the key. Everyone targets the obvious stuff, like ‘buy sneakers’. Big mistake. These high costs can make you lose yourself in the noise.

  • The Long-Tail Advantage: “Think specific.” Instead of searching for’sneakers’, someone may search for ‘women’s running shoes wide width’. Suddenly, you’re competing with way fewer advertisers and reaching a buyer who knows what they want.”

  • Cut Out the Wasted Spend: “Negative keywords are your secret weapon.” Say you sell fancy dress shoes. Add negative phrases like ‘cheap’,’scount’, ‘and’sneakers’—boom, yo, you stop paying for clicks from people who’ll never buy from you.”

  • Matching Matters: “Keyword match types—a bit boring, but crucial.” ‘Broad match’ is risky; it casts a wide net. ‘Exact match’ only displays your ad for that specific search. There’s a balance to strike there.”

  • Spy on the Competition: “Sneaky, but smart.” There are tools available that allow you to peek at keywords that your competitors are targeting. “Don’t copy; it’s like market research handed to you.”

If you want me to break down keyword match types in more detail or focus on specific tools for competitive research, let me know. Ready to move onto another key section?How To Run Google Ads For Clients

Campaign structure and organization

“Think of your Google Ads account as a filing cabinet.” It’s a mess, and your money slips through the cracks. Structure isn’t just neatness; it’s how you win.”

  • Campaigns are like big folders:each campaign has a goal—brand awareness, selling a specific product, whatever. Don’t cram everything into one campaign; otherwise, you’re shooting blind.

  • Ad Groups: Dividers: This is where keywords get cozy. Group similar keywords tightly. One ad group for “women’s hiking boots,” another for “men’s hiking boots”—way more targeted than just “hiking boots” by itself.

  • Laser Focus: You can target by location, time of day, or even people’s interests. Selling luxury watches? Don’t waste your impressions on people browsing bargain bins.

  • Agencies get lazy. Best Practices = More bang for buck. One ad for a whole campaign? Bad move. Make multiple ads per group, test ’em, and tweak ’em. Small change, big results over time.”

Let me know if you’d like more examples of how tight thematic groupings power success. We can get as granular as you like!

Creating a Google Ads Manager account with sub-accounts

“Listen, if you’re juggling more than one client, managing accounts is a lifesaver.” Think of it like mission control for all your campaigns.”

  • Control Freaks Rejoice: “One login, but separate access for each client to Google ads manager. You see everything; they see only their stuff.” “Truth be told, clients feel safer that way, and you avoid awkward crossover mishaps.”

  • Billing Sanity: “Consolidated invoices—need I say more? Chasing payments from five different clients is sucky.” “A manager account combines everything, so you focus on campaigns rather than accounting.”

  • Built for Agencies: “This isn’t for a solo gig; that’s overkill.” If you’re scaling up, manager accounts allow different levels of access for your team. Junior folks get limited views; you keep the big picture.”

Pro Tip: Setting up a manager account is free but takes a second. Give it a test run even if you have just a few clients; it’ll streamline things way before you desperately need it to.”

Should I include a quick step-by-step guide to the technical process of creating managers and sub-accounts? Or should I keep it at a higher level for now?

Dashboard Navigation and Key Settings

“Okay, the Google Ads dashboard can be a beast. A million buttons, but once you know your way around, it’s your best friend.”

  • Reporting: Make the Numbers Don’t let vanity metrics blind you.Investigate the reports that are relevant to your goals. Selling stuff? Focus on conversions, not just clicks. Brand awareness? Track impressions and reach.”

  • Billing: No Surprises: “This is where you catch runaway campaigns before they bankrupt you.” Set those budgets and alarms. A client’s traffic suddenly spikes. “You’ll get a heads up, not a heart attack, when invoice time comes.”

  • User Permissions: Control Chaos: “This is key, especially in big agencies.” Don’t let an intern accidentally trash your best campaign. Lock down those permissions, so everyone has the access they need, but not more.”

There is no one correct way to set up a dashboard. Users need to quickly access essential information. Start with the basics and customize as you go.

Please let me know if you’d like me to look into specific reporting metrics or get more details on how to manage those user permissions. Always happy to get into the weeds!

Google Analytics is linked to other Google accounts.

“Listen; Google Ads alone are powerful.” But link it to analytics? That’s a whole new level of insight. It’s like installing X-ray vision for your campaigns.”

  • Beyond the Click: “Analytics tells you what happens after someone clicks your ad. Bounce off the site in seconds? Wrong audience. Are you spending time browsing? You’ve got a winner.”

  • Audience Goldmine: “Analytics shows you who’s really on your site.” Age, location, interests—that’s data to refine your targeting and make those ad dollars stretch further.”

  • Tracking Goals Like a Pro: “Selling online? Set up conversion goals in Analytics. You now see more than just clicks; you also see sales tied to specific ads or keywords.” “Talk about ROI proof!”

Caveat: Setting up this link properly is a little technical. If you’re not comfortable with code, most agencies have someone who can do this in a jiffy. It’s worth the hassle, trust me.”

Would you like me to add a brief explanation of the benefits of linking other Google accounts, such as Google Search Console? Let me know how in-depth to go!

Developing successful ad campaigns

This is a critical moment. Anyone can throw together an ad. Making it work, that’s the art.”

  • Goals first: “What do you really want?” Sell a specific product? Generate leads? Boost your brand’s name. Be crystal clear, or your campaign will wander aimlessly.”

  • Campaign Types: Tools for the Job: “Google Ads ain’t one-size-fits-all. The term ‘Search’ refers to the text ads in the results. ‘Display’ is banners on other sites. Each does different things; make sure you’re using the right tool.”

  • Targeting: Aim Before You Fire:“Think about your dream customer.” Not just age and location, but passions and pain points. What do they search for? What sites do they hang out on? Ads in the right places are magical; the wrong ones are wasted cash.”

Scenario Time: “Say you’re a local gym.” Don’t just target ‘fitness’. “Target ‘new year’s resolutions’ in January and  ‘wedding fitness plans’ in spring—get into your potential customer’s head.”

This is just the starting point! Do you want me to delve deeper into the different goals and how they match up with ad types? We can get as granular as you like.

Creating compelling ad copy and utilizing ad extensions

“Okay, words matter. A LOT. This is where you turn a’maybe’ click into a ‘hell yeah!’ click.” This will reach the Target audience.

  • Headlines: Grab ‘Em or Lose ‘Em: “That’s your billboard’s flashing neon sign.” Be specific, use numbers, and ask a question. “Boring headlines mean that even the right audience scrolls past.”

  • Value Up Front: “Why should they click YOUR ad?” Is it free shipping? Fastest results? Don’t make ’em dig for the good stuff; lead with it.”

  • Call-to-Action: Improve Call-to-Action: Using ‘Learn More’ is not compelling enough.Be bold:  ‘Book Your Trial Now’, ‘Get Your Free Quote Today’. Guide them to the next step.”

  • Extensions: Your Secret Weapons “These are those extra bits under your ad—phone number, location, special offers. Use ’em all!” “They make your ad bigger, snazzier, and way more enticing.”

Ad Formats Matter Too: “Text ads are just the start.” Play with video for branding and shopping ads for those ready to buy. Different formats reach people at different stages.”

Please let me know if you require specific good or bad ad copy examples to fully illustrate these points. We can even take a real-life scenario and workshop it together!

The importance of a landing page

“Think of your ads as the promise, and your landing page as delivering on it.” “If they don’t match, people bounce, and Google punishes you for it.”

  • The Keyword Connection: “Someone searches ‘best noise-canceling headphones’.” Your ad promises exactly that. If they land on your generic homepage, that’s a broken promise. “You need a page all about those headphones.”

  • The intention is everything: “Are they just browsing or ready to buy?” Match your page to their mindset. Early research gets information-packed content. ” “Read-to-purchase gets ‘Buy Now’ front and center.”

  • Quality Score Loves This: “Google rewards you when your ad and landing page align with what someone’s searching for.” Better scores? The same keywords are less expensive. That’s HUGE.”

skimp Don’t skimp here: “I know, making landing pages takes work. But think of it like this: Great ads wasted on bad landings are like throwing cash into a fire.” The payoff for getting it right is worth it.”

Would you like me to break down some key elements of an optimized landing page? We can cover headlines, copy, and calls to action—whichever is most useful!

Manual CPC bidding and smart bidding are available.

“Okay, bidding is where you either outsmart the competition or lose your shirt.” Google doesn’t exactly make it simple.”

  • Manual CPC: Old-School Control: “You say how much you’ll pay for each click.” It’s good if you’re super budget-conscious or just starting out. It takes time to master, though.”

  • Target CPA: When Leads Matter: “Cost per Acquisition”—you tell Google how much you’d pay for a sale or sign-up. Their algorithm gets to work trying to deliver that. Great if you have clear conversion goals.”

  • ROAS: Return on Ad Spend Focused: “Got an e-commerce store? This is your jam. Establish a target return, such as receiving $4 for every $1 invested in ads. Again, Google does the heavy lifting.”

  • Black Box Warning: “These smart bids get results, but you lose some fine-grained control. Gotta trust those algorithms, and trust takes time to build.”

Which is right? There is no easy answer: “It depends on your goals, experience, and the campaign itself.” A lot of agencies start manual, then experiment with the fancy stuff once they have a strong baseline.”

Would you like a specific scenario breakdown? For example, “When would Target CPA be a better choice than manual?” Just let me know!How To Run Google Ads For Clients

Budget Settings: Daily Budgets, Campaign Limits

“Think of budgets like speed limits for your spending. Ignore them, and you’ll either run out of money super fast or get an invoice at the end of the month that’ll make you choke.”

  • Daily Budgets: Steady Wins the Race “This is your’maximum’spend per day’ setting. It keeps things even and allows you to stretch your budget over the entire campaign period. Avoid those panicky days where a campaign burns hot and suddenly fizzles out.”

  • The Ultimate Safety Net: Campaign Limits “Say your client’s monthly budget is $1000.” Set that campaign limit, and even if things go wild, it won’t spend a penny more. Saves you from explaining overages to angry clients.”

  • Pacing Matters: “Google has the ability to spread your budget throughout the day.” It’s great if you’re in a slow industry. “But with hot competition, sometimes you want to front-load those impressions and be at the top of the pile in the morning rush.”

Pro Tip: Don’t think “set it and forget it.” Check in regularly! A sudden traffic spike on your ad could drain that budget way faster than expected.”

Should we do a quick explainer on how Google’s auction system works and why budgets are extra important with that? Or should I stick to the practical side for now?

Performance Metrics: CTR, Impressions, and Conversions

“Metrics are an agency’s compass. Now is the time to determine if you are a genius or on the brink of being fired.

  • CTR: The Lure: “Click-through rate—that’s how many people click your ad when they see it.” High CTR means your ad is eye-catching and relevant. Low CTR? Back to the drawing board.”

  • Impressions: Getting Seen: “How many times does your ad appear in search results?”Important, but deceptive. Too many impressions but no clicks means you’re targeting the wrong people.”

  • Conversions: Where the Money’s At: “This is the holy grave.” Whether your goal is to make a sale or have a lead form filled out, this is the Holy Grail. This is everything to track. “Who cares about clicks if they don’t turn into paying customers?”

  • Don’t Just Stare at Numbers: “Data’s not magic. If CTR is high and conversions are low, your landing page probably stinks.” Metrics tell you where to investigate, not just if things are good or bad.”

Scenario Time: “Launching a new product? Early on, track impressions to see if the word’s getting out.” “Later, laser in on conversions to prove this campaign’s actually profitable.”

A/B testing and creative refresh

“Alright, here’s how we avoid campaigns getting stale. You can have the best ideas in the world, but sometimes the audience surprises you. That’s where testing comes in.”

  • A/B Tests: Battle of the Ads: “Change one thing: headline, image, call-to-action. Run both versions, split the traffic, and see which performs best. Rinse and repeat; you’re constantly getting better.”

  • Landing Page Showdown: “Don’t forget these! Test long vs. short copy, above-the-fold offers, video vs. static… Tiny tweaks can have huge payoffs in conversions.”

  • Images rule everything: “We’re visual creatures. That boring stock photo everyone uses? Test it against something punchy, relevant, and emotionally appealing. You’ll be amazed at the impact.”

  • Refresh, Don’t Overhaul: “Clients get antsy when you propose ‘testing’. Explain that this is how you make their money go further. Small, constant refinements beat gut-based overhauls every time.”

Pro Tip: Don’t test too many things at once, or you’ll never know what made the difference. Also, for smaller accounts, prioritize a good creative refresh on a less aggressive testing schedule.

Do you want more specifics on the technical side of setting up A/B tests or some real-world examples of the kinds of results they can provide?

Reports and Customizations for Google Ads

“Look, the built-in reports are fine, but for true power, you gotta roll your own. Think of it like building your ultimate campaign spy kit.”

  • Visualize this: “Charts and graphs are way prettier than spreadsheets. Spot trends immediately—is there a day of the week when your conversion rate tanks? That needs fixing!”

  • Filter Frenzy: “Drill down on what matters. You can see performance for a single campaign, specific keywords, heck, even devices. Uncover those hidden pockets of wasted spending.”

  • Scheduled Reports: Time Saver: “Clients need updates, and you need your life back.” Set reports to auto-run and email, and voilà, everyone is happy. More time for strategy, less time copy-pasting numbers.”

  • Deeper Insights, Not Just Metrics: “Custom reports go beyond clicks and expenditures.” Chart keyword search trends over time—great for pitching campaign expansion. Get creative!”

Caveat: “There’s a learning curve to really ninja-mode reporting.” Most agencies start with tweaking pre-built ones, then dive in deeper as they see what’s possible.”

Should I include a basic ‘how-to’ for a beginner-friendly custom report? Or some resources on where to learn more advanced reporting wizardry? Let me know!

Remarketing and retargeting are powerful digital marketing strategies.

“You know when you check out those shoes online, ads for them haunt you for weeks?” That’s remarketing. Sneaky, but smart.”

  • Remarketing is typically done on Google’s network.Retargeting can be broader, including other ad platforms. Just so we’re precise with our terminology here.”

  • Second Chance Saloon: “Someone browsed your site, maybe even carted your stuff, but didn’t buy. These ads nudge them back. There are higher conversion rates than regular ads because they’re already somewhat interested.”

  • Audience Lists: Get Granular: “Target people who abandoned carts or visited specific pages, but not those who actually bought.” The finer the lists, the sharper your messaging can be.”

  • Dynamic Ads: Creepy Cool Tech:“These show them exactly what they looked at previously.” Powerful reminder factor, especially for e-commerce stores.”

Friendly warning: Overdo it; you’ll annoy people. Frequency settings are key; don’t let your shoe ad haunt them for months.

Would you like a specific scenario highlighting when remarketing vs. retargeting would be a better strategic choice? Let’s get tactical!

Google Display Network and Display Ads

“Think of display ads as eye-catching billboards scattered across the internet.” Search ads are text-heavy and results-page-focused. Display can be images, videos, or flashy stuff.”

  • “This isn’t just Google Search,” said the GDN, Google’s Ad Empire. Millions of websites partner with Google. Your ad could pop up on news sites, blogs, and even inside mobile apps.”

  • Wider Net, Different Mindset: “Great for branding or when you don’t have that immediate search intent.” BAM—your ad for gourmet cookware catches their eye. People are just browsing recipes. It’s planting a seed.”

  • Targeting is Everything: “Don’t blast ads to everyone on the internet—that’s expensive and annoying.” “GDN allows you to target them based on topics, interests, or even specific sites they’ve visited.”

  • Banner Blindness Is Real: “Display ads have to be attention-grabbing. Boring static images with bad fonts? People have gotten good at tuning those out.”

Scenario Time: Are you launching a new product? Display gets the word out a lot more than just searching. An established brand needs a boost. Display keeps you top-of-mind even when folks aren’t actively shopping.

Do you want me to explain different display ad formats (responsive ads, image ads, etc.) or stick to the high-level concepts for now?

Google shopping campaigns

“Okay, if you’ve got an e-commerce client, this is your superpower.” Get this right, and it’s a money-printing machine.”

  • Not just text. Product Pics: “These ads show actual product images, prices, and the works. Shoppers love this—it cuts through the noise of regular search listings.”

  • Lord is the product feed: “This is where the magic (and sometimes headache) happens.” You must structure your product data so that Google can pull it.” A messy feed means your ads don’t show up.”

  • “It’s not just about setting up the campaign,” said Optimized Listings Win. Those product titles and descriptions…make ’em keyword-rich and enticing. “Think as if your customer is searching.”

  • Scenario: A user searches for a specific product with high intent:“Someone searches for ‘waterproof hiking boots women’s size 9’.” Regular ad campaigns struggle. A shopping ad with your boots front and center is an instant click.”

Important Caveat:Shopping campaigns do take a little more setup than basic search ads. You frequently need your developer to be involved, as well as some decent product data cleanup.

Would you like a quick checklist of the key elements of a strong product feed? That can be super helpful, even for agencies to use while onboarding clients!


What are Google Ads Management Services?

Google Ads Management Services entails hiring professionals to manage your Google Ads campaigns’ strategy, setup, ongoing optimization, and reporting. They’re not just clicking buttons; they’re leveraging deep knowledge of the platform, your industry, and consumer behavior to drive profitable results. This frees up your time, reduces wasted spending, and often provides a better ROI than doing it yourself.

How much does it cost to have someone manage your Google ads?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer here. Costs vary depending on:

  • Agency Experience: High-profile agencies charge more, but you get their proven track record.

  • Your ad spend: Many charge a percentage of your spending, so your costs scale with your investment.

  • Campaign Complexity: Local-targeting? Simple. National e-commerce? Expect to pay more.

Be wary of bargain-basement offers. Poorly executed Google Ads waste money; you often get what you pay for.

How can I manage my Google ads?

If you’re a DIY type, you can manage your own Google ads. Here’s the honest truth:

  • Prepare for a steep learning curve. The platform is powerful, but not exactly user-friendly.

  • Time is money. Successful management requires hours of work per week, not a set-and-forget attitude.

  • Results take time.Early on, you will make mistakes. It’s how you learn and optimize.

Google offers tutorials, but they don’t substitute for real-world campaign experience.

Should I hire someone to manage my Google ads?

Consider hiring a professional if:

  • You have limited time.Your expertise lies in running your business, not becoming a Google Ads pro.

  • High Spend = High Stakes: The more you spend, the more costly potential mistakes become.

  • Complex Goals: Branding, not just leads? An expert gets nuances that DIYers often miss.

  • You’ve plateaued. If your own efforts aren’t going well, a fresh perspective can unlock new gains.

Think of it as an investment, not an expense. When done right, a good Google Ads manager will make you more money than it costs you.


  • Christian Ehiedu

    I write for Educational, Financial, technology, and social media content producers. I am deep into doing credible research that will benefit you the reader. You can contact me on Tumblr, Chris Adam Facebook, Shopfortool Pinterest Account. I am a Technician and a woodworker. I have lots of years of experience in Technical work. I did some per time work at an electrical store. Having gathered lots of experience in the use of various tools link Mechanic Tools, Woodworking Tools, Power Tools, and Plumbing tools, I decided to put up this blog to help advise intending buyers or new biz on the right tools to buy on the market. My social Handle:

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