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How long can you stream on Twitch?

How long can you stream on Twitch?Twitch allows you to broadcast or stream a wide range of content. Ranging from games to music, videos, fashion, art, etc.

To maximize entertainment on Twitch, you’ll have to dedicate time to it. Time is a major asset on the Twitch streaming platform. You definitely need time to get the best of Twitch either as a streamer or a subscriber.How long can you stream on Twitch?

As a streamer, to attract and retain viewers, you’ll have to keep uploading content, making your trend. People are always looking for what to watch online, putting more content out there will showcase you and attract more subscribers.

Hence, the time you spend streaming on Twitch is depending on the result you want to yield. There’s no one-way rule as to how long you should spend streaming on Twitch.

Some stream for up to three hours daily, others more than seven hours. Some even stream on some selected days of the week, as opposed to streaming daily.

Sometimes, you may feel discouraged in a case where time spent is yielding expected results or followership.  Just keep at it, as consistency is one way to put yourself out there and gain popularity.

Determining the best Twitch stream length

Some factors influence the length of time you spend streaming on Twitch daily. Some of these factors are:

  • Your lifestyle: It may be almost impossible for you to stream daily, especially when you’re engaged with other jobs. This may in turn influence the number of hours you are likely to stream on Twitch.
  • Your activities on Twitch: Twitch allows you to perform a number of activities like playing video games and making money. If you are an affiliate on the platform, you may probably spend more hours streaming
  • You are a beginner: As a beginner, you need to attract as many people as possible. It is not easy to gain followers as you might not be discovered. Also, you will be competing with many other streamers who want to attract viewers. Hence, as a beginner, you should ensure to dedicate more time to streaming in order to attract viewers to your channel.
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What is the ideal time to stream on Twitch?

Ideally, the minimum Twitch clip length should be three hours. However, your consistency and the days you dedicated to your channel are key.

The more you stream, the more you’re noticed. That is, the more time you spend streaming will enhance your popularity.

However, the minimum number of hours to stream on Twitch in any session should be above two hours. This is because viewers are noticed to increase after the third hour.

If you stream for less than three hours, you may not attract more viewers. You should target streaming for up to 4-5 hours at least thrice weekly.

You can also stream for hours on a daily bases if your schedule permits it.

Most importantly, ensure to have excellent content, and keep your viewers engaged all through the streaming time. Ensure you prepare and organize your content before starting your stream so as not to bore your viewers.

Also, ensure you have a set streaming schedule that you follow strictly. This will help your viewers look up to your next broadcast. As they are certain that you’d always keep to the schedule and give excellent content.

In a case where you may not be able to stream on the expected day or time scheduled, ensure that information is out. This will help your viewers feel respected and more loyal to your channel.

Quick Start Guide to Streaming on Twitch

With Twitch, you have varieties of what to stream. You can stream art, music, gameplay, or all the best sports action in just a few simple steps. Below is a simple step-by-step guide on how to stream on Twitch:

Step 1.  You’ll need to create a Twitch account if you don’t have one yet. Don’t forget to turn on Two-Factor Authentication (to-step verification) to secure your account. You can also download the Twitch app on your iOS or Android device. Aside from being able to stream with it on the go, you can also access your Creator Dashboard with it. This will help you to adjust basic settings, run ads, and even go live from wherever you are.

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Step 2.  Go through the Community Guidelines and Terms of Service fully. Ensure you establish your Moderation and Safety settings before your first stream to ensure the best experience for you and your growing community. Activate AutoModas a tool of defense for moderation, with settings you can modify to your preferences.

Step 3. Customize your channel for your viewers to identify you. You can customize your profile photo and bio via your mobile device, or modify a number of additional settings via a web browser.

Step 4. Optimize your setup! You’ll want to consider which hardware you’ll need to stream your audio and visuals. Ensure to keep it simple. If you’ve already got a Playstation or Xbox, it’s likely you could be live in just a matter of minutes.

Step 5.  Choose and set up your broadcasting software so you can start streaming, nice right?!

  • Twitch Studio, available on both Windows and Mac, is Twitch’s first-party streaming software that makes it easy to set up a stream and go live in minutes.
  • Guided onboarding helps you automatically detect your microphone, webcam, and other technical aspects of a stream.
  • Pre-loaded starter layouts will help you personalize your stream appearance, without stress.
  • Alerts and Chat are built-in, which enables you easily monitor channel activity and interact with your community.

Step 6. Upload some extensions to your channel. Visit your Creator Dashboard, and go to the Extensions tab above the Creator Camp link. For instance, try out the CTRL+ and Sound Alerts extensions to boost your community viewing experience and engage your viewer.

Step 7.At this point, you can start your live streaming.  Ensure to add a title to your stream. Categorize, and tag your stream so viewers can locate you.


In case you encounter any issue, check out any of our posts on the issue you encountered and fix it in no time. Ensure to also update/ upgrade your software once available.


In summary, have it in mind that there are no rules as to the length of time you decide to spend streaming on Twitch. Whatever works for you is fine. However, as a Twitch partner, you will have to stream at least thrice in a week at a scheduled time.

The suggestion in this guide as to how long you should spend streaming is based on our observation and study. This is to ensure you get more viewers to your stream. However, what works for you is still a great consideration, as we do not know your schedule.

Whichever schedule you decide to operate with, just ensure it is one that will attract and retain viewers on your stream. Also, always remember the place of consistency and having great content.


  • Christian Ehiedu

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